I help writers do the deep spiritual work to write, market and sell their Amazon bestselling books on Kindle, paperback and Audible.

How Are You Spending Your Emotional Currency?

Sometimes our encounters with others are mirrors of ourselves.
Their greatest flaw that annoys us is also within …us.
The lesson that they’re learning is, at its root, the same one we are learning…..or the same lesson that it would serve us to learn.
Other times though, encounters with others are not mirrors.
They’re more like business negotiations.
Whether personal or professional, each person that comes into your life
Shows up with an offer.
Yes…it’s implicit or, perhaps of the subconscious level, but at the end of the day, it’s an offer.
The offer always goes something like this, “ This is how capable I am of loving you in this season. This is what me, loving you, would look like. This is the extent of my capacity to love you. Is this a win for you? Are you in?”
And what we sometimes forget is that we get to choose who we let love us and HOW they go about it.
So…this means when you are exploring someone’s offer (deciding to do life with them in some capacity),you might find that it’s not a good deal for you.
You desire for them to love you in a way that is currently outside of their capacity or in a way in which they are not interested.
The moment you realize this, you, as Divine co-creator, get to enter into a business negotiation (of sorts). You get to teach others how to treat you…how to love you.
And if your counteroffer is too far beyond their current capacity or desires, you take a final sip of coffee, give a firm handshake and leave with the offer on the table.
Not everyone you meet will have the capacity to love you in a way that’s a win for you.
Not everyone will rise to the occasion of your counteroffer and move toward a win-win in which you both work together at loving well.
Sometimes the most healthy step to take is simply tolerating someone within firm boundaries with the love of the Lord…when loving them and letting them love you is not a win for you.
At the end of the day, you (and only) are in charge of your emotional currency and how you spend it.
Spend wisely, friend. You are beyond capable and worthy to co-create the life to which you have been called. ⚔️🧠🤍