I help writers do the deep spiritual work to write, market and sell their Amazon bestselling books on Kindle, paperback and Audible.

Don’t Make Your Book a Booty Call

Don’t make your book a booty call. 


Don’t be texting it, ‘U up?’, at 11pm. 


Don’t only show up when you wanna get some. 


When you say,  “I can only write when I feel it.”


Or, “I can only write when inspiration strikes”., you are making your book *solely* about your pleasure. You are making your book a booty call.


Instead of being in a committed relationship  where you honor your commitments and show up *even when* you don’t feel like it, your book becomes merely a friend w/ benefits.  


As Steven Pressfield says, “Amateurs wait for inspiration to strike, Professionals create inspiration.”


The secret behind one book serving readers and another not is that the first was done by an author who *chose* to show up and write even if they did not feel like it. (This matters way more than ones ability to write well.)


When we make writing more about our fickle feelings and less about those that we are called to serve, we simply fail to serve. 


(Sure, if writing is only a therapeutic process for you, then text as many eggplants and tacos as you want. ;P )But, if you have an idea that you know would serve others,and you want to also monetize it, don’t make that book a booty call!


Your book wants to be exclusive with you. It wants to get lost in conversation with you and stay up way too late. It wants to make you lose focus in meetings, because it’s all you can think about.‘Til published do ye part, it wants you to get to know it inside and out. It wants all of you, you when you’re in the zone and gush out 2 pages in 30-minutes, and you when you trudge through a paragraph in an hour. 


So, what do you say? Are you ready to take this relationship to the next level? 


#writeboldly⚔️, friend. You are beyond worthy and capable to co-create the life to which you have been called.